Masuk Daftar

mengikat seseorang sepenuhnya bahasa Inggris

  • mengikat:    bind; bind up; binding; bond; bonded; bonding;
  • seseorang:    a certain person; a person; anyone; one
  • sepenuhnya:    intoto; stark; to the full; to the utmost;
  • sepenuhnya:    intoto; stark; to the full; to the utmost; undivided; utterly; (up) to the hilt; absolutely; all; entirely; full; fully; head over heels; implicit; over; quite; stone-cold; stone-cold, stone-dead, s
  • mengikat:    bind; bind up; binding; bond; bonded; bonding; bundle; cord; corded; cording; fasten; girded on; girding on; girt; hitched up; hitching up; imbeded; knot; knotted; knotting; lace; laced; lacing; lea
  • seseorang:    a certain person; a person; anyone; one individual; one person; one's; some one; somebody; someone; anybody; anybody, anyone; someone/something or other; human; individual; person; man; mortal; huma
  • akan sepenuhnya:    will full
  • berhenti sepenuhnya:    stop dead
  • dengan sepenuhnya:    completely; comprehensively; "hook; to the full; head to toe; to the hilt
  • dgn sepenuhnya:    fully
  • gila sepenuhnya:    stark crazy/mad
  • harus sepenuhnya:    must full
  • mengaku sepenuhnya:    own up
  • menguasai sepenuhnya:    held all the cards; holding all the cards
  • sepenuhnya baru:    completely new